etika kepedulian bahasa Inggris
- etika: ethics; etiquette; etika (penyiar video); value
- kepedulian: bensmyers|sandbox; unselfishness; fear;
- kepedulian: bensmyers|sandbox; unselfishness; fear; precaution; tutelage; heed; attention; note; aid; guardianship; care; caution; concern; notice; charge; forethought; tending
- Nevertheless, Thompson does not consider the story feminist in any way, but does argue it contains a feminine kind of ethics of care, rooted in Buddhism.
Meskipun demikian, Thompson tak menganggap adanya unsur feminis dalam cerita tersebut, namun lebih berpendapat bahwa cerita tersebut berisi jenis feminim dari etika kepedulian, yang berakar dalam agama Buddha. - Moreover, Aṅgulimāla's story is referred to in scholarly discussions of justice and rehabilitation, and is seen by theologian John Thompson as a good example of coping with moral injury and an ethics of care.
Selain itu, cerita Aṅgulimāla menjadi bahan diskusi keadilan dan rehabilitasi di kalangan cendekiawan, dan dipandang oleh teolog John Thompson sebagai contoh yang baik untuk ditiru dengan luka moral dan etika kepedulian.